Current Rates
*Subject to change*
The following are the current fees for the park. You will either have a Maintenance Assessment (if you own your land, or are a member of the Cooperative), or Rent (if you own your home but rent the land from Francis I). Residents in the RV section can find their rates under the RV Information section.
As of: January 1, 2025
Lot Rent - $425.00 (total) per month ($25.00 LATE FEE)
Amenities Shareholders - $77.85 per month ($25 LATE FEE)
Fee Simple - $77.85 per month ($25 LATE FEE)
Coop Shareholders - $92.85 per month ($25 LATE FEE)
Other Fees:
Abandoned Lawn Care Charge - Billed what the lawncare company charges
Application Fee:
$50.00 per person (US)
$100.00 per person (Canada)
Payable by Check or Money Order
Pool Passes:
$5.00 per resident pass (one time fee)
Please see Rules & Regs for guest policy
Payable by Cash
Pet Registration:
$5.00 per pet (one time fee per pet)
2 pet max - current shot records required
Payable by Cash
Storage Area:
$30.00 per Permit Sticker
Permit Stickers are valid Jan - Jan and must be renewed yearly
Payable by Check or Money Order
Please see Office for Registration
Statements are sent out monthly. You have the option to pay monthly or quarterly. Please put the park address and month(s) you are paying in the memo. Example: MI029 Oct/Nov/Dec
Fees are due on the 1st of the month. Fees received after the 10th are subject to the appropriate late fees: $25.00 a month for all property types
Please make checks and money orders out to:
Checks and money orders made out any other way will not
be accepted by the Parks bank. Thank you.